Featured image of post The Event Barricade Digital Deck

The Event Barricade Digital Deck

Product Marketing Presentation Site for OTW Safety

An Alternative to PowerPoint

Instead of a PDF or Powerpoint, this digital deck is a stand-alone website making use of Hugo, a static site generator, along with the Hugo-Reveal theme to create a full-screen slideshow that’s easy to pull up on any device or send as a link via email.

Art Direction

Created to introduce Sunbelt Rentals to the OTW Safety crowd control product line, this presentation uses big imagery and bold colors with minimal text. The primary focus is “experience” and the imagery as well as the presentation itself are meant to showcase the experience of the product from multiple perspectives.


The deck was designed in Indesign and originally shown as a PDF. Since I had just begun learning to develop with Hugo I was excited to translate it into a website and use a product specific domain that had been registered for a while but never used. The size of the slides translated well so the design didn’t need to be altered. Once I learned how to customize the theme, the site went up and the sales team began using it as an additional marketing asset.

Check out the full presentation at thebillboardbarricade.com